Art kino Odeon Art kino Odeon


The guardians, 2017, Francija, Švica

Režija: Xavier Beauvois
Jezik: francoski

Igrajo: Nathalie Baye, Laura Smet, Iris Bry

drama, 2h18min

14.09.2018 ob 21.00
15.09.2018 ob 18.30
16.09.2018 ob 18.30

Francosko podeželje v letih 1914 do 1918: svet razpada pod uničujočo težo prve svetovne vojne, a nekaj stebrov vendarle tiho in mogočno stoji – ženske ohranjajo skupnost, kulturo in ekonomijo v svetu, iz katerega so se moški izgubili ali pa so v njem izgubili pamet. Vojni film, v katerem se bitke odvijajo daleč doma (in od kamere), a globoko in glasno odzvanjajo v življenjih tistih, ki so ostale doma.

The French countryside between 1914 and 1918: the world is crumbling under the destructive weight of World War I, but nevertheless a few pillars still silently and imposingly stand – women preserving the community, culture and economy in a world in which men got lost or they lost their minds. A war film in which the battles are waged far away from home (and the camera), but deeply and loudly resound in the lives of those who stayed behind.